
Pictures Over Stillwater is a full service digital content capture business providing interior, exterior, ground, aerial and all around creative content services. We also have stock images including digital downloads for your website, zoom screen backgrounds, social media, mass mailing among other uses. In addition to digital downloads, we also have stock images available as post cards, puzzles, prints, metal prints, canvas and framed wall art. Learn more on our shopping page including links to our online gallery stores.

2024 Hot Air Affair Hudson Wisconsin Aerial Video

Demo Reel Indoor Outdoor Aerial Video Views

Examples of digital content we capture include photography (still, time lapse, 360), photogrammetry (2D, 3D, orthography, images, mapping), videography (HD, UHD, 6K, 360, time lapse), virtual tours, audio and more. In addition to standard packages and custom solutions, we also have stock images, wall art and digital downloads available via our online store.

Downtown Stillwater Lights

Pictures Over Stillwater is based in Stillwater Minnesota with a service area that includes the Minneapolis St Paul twin cities metro area, Western Wisconsin, greater Minnesota and upper Midwest. Have a project somewhere else, no worries, we have traveled the globe and happy to discuss your specific project needs locally, or elsewhere.

Minneapolis Institute of Art

Click on image to view buying options and shop for other prints and downloads

Being a licensed (federal and state), insured professional drone operator, Pictures Over Stillwater provides unique birds-eye perspective views from different vantage points.

We have the experience of flying in controlled airspace (day and night), as well as so called ZERO airspace requiring special authorizations (e.g. near major airports). However we are not limited to flying just outdoors, we also fly inside, as well as provide ground based services along with FPV action imagery.

Click on image to view buying options, browse other items and downloads

November December 2020 Twin Cities Aerial Views

View more images (still and video) in our virtual online gallery and blog.

Visit our Pro Shop and Resources page to view links to FAA drone pilot license and related information, as well as the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDot) Aviation Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) also known as drones resources page. You will also find on the resources page UAS and Drone education, useful information, how to fly, books, drones, parts, along with other related items including purchase via Amazon.com.

Meet The Pictures Over Stillwater Team

Greg Schulz – Chief Pilot, award winning Photographer and Videographer, FAA Part 107 (Commercial Drone Licensed) and MNDoT (Drone and Aerial Photography Licensed) and insured. Greg has hundreds of drone in the air hours spanning thousands of flights along with FAA drone waivers for Operating Over People (OOP), Operating Over Moving Vehicles (OOMV), and Daylight along with various custom airspace authorizations.

Greg during cold weather flying

Karen Schulz – Award winning Photographer, Visual Observer (VO), flight crew member and author. Karen aka KarenofArcola.com specializes in scenic, landscape, nature and wildlife photography.

Tell Us About Your Project Needs

Have a flight or mission that requires a different aircraft or system than those shown above? No worries, contact us to discuss your project needs and we can talk about custom services including other aircraft systems and ground based equipment.

Pictures Over Stillwater
PO Box 2026
Stillwater MN, 55082
+1 612-810-9890

Click here to connect and contact us to discuss your digital content needs.

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