Pictures Over Stillwater Minnesota Twin Cities Images Available For Marketing Mailings

Pictures Over Stillwater Zephyr Theatre Moma Mia
Stillwater Zephyr Theatre Opening Night Mama Mia Outdoors

Need an still photograph digital image or video B Roll for your upcoming bulk mailing (physical or email), website, social media, event, marketing or other content and creative services needs?

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

What if you don’t see what you are looking for? Give a call or send an email telling us what you are looking for as we may have it in our archives, or discuss other options including custom services.

Looking for some new image content for your site, blog, office or other venue?

Click here to visit out online store, or, give us a call for your custom needs.

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pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

How about dressing up your business cards and other collateral with images from around Stillwater, Hudson, and greater St. Croix River Valley along with Twin Cities metro area? Click here to visit our online store, or give us a call to discuss your specific needs.

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

At Pictures Over Stillwater we have a large collection of stock still image photographs and video footage available for sale and license.

We also can produce custom content to meet your specific requirements. Give us a call or email to discuss your specific needs.

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

Our images are via FAA Part 107 certified and MnDOT aerial photography and UAV / Drone licensed pilots thus are safe for commercial including non-profit, as well as print or electronic media use.

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

Also check out our post cards and prints of aerial images for sale at Smith + Trade Mercantile downtown Stillwater, along with visit our virtual online store here, or contact us for your specific needs including custom content (photos and video). also like us on Facebook and Instagram.

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Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our page, as well as our page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

Pictures Over Stillwater aerial photography video drone uas uav services

Boats Marinas Yacht Clubs Harbors Aerial Photography Videos

The following are various Pictures Over Stillwater drone based aerial photography and video images of different Boats Marinas Yacht Clubs as well as Harbors from around the Minneapolis St. Paul greater twin cities area.

Hyperlapse Spring Sunset Ice Flow St Croix River Stillwater Minnesota

Early Spring Morning Boating Aerial View St Croix River

The following video is an example of what happens when you dont get your boat out of the water in the fall and winter freeze comes early. This is near the DNR public boat launch ramp north of Stillwater on St. Croix River near Wolf Marina view looking south.

Have an upcoming event at a Marina, Association or other venue, or simply looking for images (still and video) of your facility or boat?

pictures over stillwater Boats Marinas Yacht Clubs Harbors Aerial Photography Videos

Contact us via phone or email and we can discuss how we can be of assistance to you and or your event.

Stillwater St Croix River Valley Fireworks

pictures over stillwater Boats Marinas Yacht Clubs Harbors Aerial Photography Videos

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our page, as well as our page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

Stillwater World Snow Sculpting Championship WSSC

Stillwater World Snow Sculpting Championship #wssc

For 2025, the Stillwater World Snow Sculpting Championship #wssc has been expanded with a new or additional event name of World Snow Celebration. Scroll down to view photo and video images from 2025 and previous years events.

2025 Stillwater Minnesota World Snow Celebration

2024 World Snow Sculpture Championship

The 2024 World Snow Sculpting Championship in Stillwater Minnesota near Minneapolis St Paul Twin Cities Minnesota along the St Croix River takes place January 17-21st 2024. Learn more about this event at the 2024 World Snow Sculpting Championship #wssc website.

2024 World Snow Sculpting Day 4

2024 World Snow Sculpting Day 3

2024 World Snow Sculpting Day 2

2024 World Snow Sculpting Day 1

2023 World Snow Sculpting Championship Video Stillwater Minnesota

Stillwater Snow Sculpture World Championship 2023

The second annual stillwater snow sculpture event known as the World Snow Sculpting Championship (WSSC) takes place January 18th through 22nd 2023. The world snow sculpting (wssc) event is downtown Stillwater Minnesota in Lowell Park north of the St Croix river historic lift bridge.

The event brings in teams from around the world who compete for creating the best creation. Each team is given a large block of snow to create their sculpture during the snow and cold, mainly during the day however also at night as the final day and judging nears. Once the judging and winner announced, there is a large outdoor party adjacent to the sculptures, along with indoor activities.

aerial drone photograph minneapolis st paul twin cities stillwater minnesota world snow sculpting championship wssc
Friday Night Lights, 2023 WSSC Stillwater Minnesota

The following video chronicles from the week before the 2023 event including initial site preparations, setup, moving items, equipment in, as well as creating the large snow blocks. Sculpting kicks off on Wednesday morning with the teams working on their assigned block of snow to create their creation which progresses over the next several days and night. Crowds begin to visit the sculpture particular on the next to last, and last day of the event.

#WSSC 2023 World Championship Video

aerial drone photograph minneapolis st paul twin cities stillwater minnesota world snow sculpting championship wssc
2023 #WSSC Night scenes of teams working on their creations.

aerial drone photograph minneapolis st paul twin cities stillwater minnesota world snow sculpting championship wssc
Downtown Stillwater Minnesota

aerial drone photograph minneapolis st paul twin cities stillwater minnesota world snow sculpting championship wssc
Click on above to view gallery of more 2023 WSSC images

Click on the following image to access a PDF event program and schedule of events (and check out some of our 2023 event images). Learn more at the Greater Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce World Snow Sculpting Championship (WSSC) site.

2023 Stillwater snow sculpture event program wssc
2023 World Snow Sculpting WSSC Event Program

Stillwater World Snow Sculpting Championship 2022

Views from 2022 Inaugural Stillwater Snow Sculpture #wssc  event that builds on the previous Stillwater Lights and other activity downtown Stillwater.

twin cities minneapolis st paul st croix stillwater minnesota lights
We are honored our image was used for WSSC 2022 backdrop

Lowell Park WSSC World Snow Sculpting Championship Final day of sculpting Stillwater Minnesota
#WSSC Stillwater Snow Sculpture event images (Click to view more)

Lowell Park WSSC World Snow Sculpture Championship Day three sculpting

Making Snow 2022 Stillwater Snow Sculpture Championship

Preparations are underway downtown for the upcoming Stillwater Sculpture #wssc event in mid-January 2022. The following is a short video showing snow-making on January 6th for the WSSC event that starts on January 18th.

Related Content Additional Views, Images, Videos

2022 Stillwater Holiday Twinkle Event

2022 Home For The Holidays Tree Lighting Fireworks Stillwater MN

2022 Fire and Ice Event Downtown Stillwater MN

Snow Sculptures In Background 2022 Fire Ice Event Stillwater MN

2022 Ice Maze Ice Castle Stillwater Minnesota

Zephyr Theatre Stillwater Minnesota Ice Palace Maze Ice Maze

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night
Zephyr Theatre 2022 Ice Palace Maze

Greater Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce Events

Stillwater St Croix River Valley Fireworks

Afton Minnesota Drone Light Show

Fireworks Videos and Images

Drone Aerial Pictures Over Stillwater Minnesota Downtown Summer 2023 FireworksClick on above image to view, shop and buy Fireworks Images & Prints

2024 Winter Fireworks Stillwater MN

2023 4th July Fireworks Stillwater MN

2023 February Fireworks Stillwater MN

2022 Twinkle Party Fireworks Stillwater MN

July 4th 2022 Stillwater Fireworks Video

Winter Fireworks 2021 Downtown Stillwater MN

August 2021 Stillwater Lift Bridge Celebration

Marine on St. Croix 3rd of July fireworks aerial drone view
Marine on St. Croix July 3rd 2019

Downtown Stillwater 4th of July fireworks aerial drone view
Downtown Stillwater 4th of July 2019

Having an FAA Part 107.29 waiver enables Pictures Over Stillwater to fly 24 hours a day including at night weather permitting. In addition to having additional high-intensity multi-colored strobe lights (red, green, white)  visible from 3 miles on our aircraft, Part 107.29 operations also includes having trained visual observers (VOs) as part of our night safety crew as well as keeping aircraft (e.g. dones) within visual line of sight.

Fireworks Videos

Stillwater July 4th fireworks (Long version)

Stillwater July 4th fireworks (short finale)


pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

When in downtown Stillwater Minnesota stop in and visit Art n Soul on the corner of Mainstreet and Chestnut (across from Leo’s) to check out some of our work including post cards, puzzles, framed prints and other items.

Downtown Stillwater Minnesota Opera On The River St Croix Riverfront

2024 Opera On The River

Returning for its 6th season 2024 Opera On The River July 27 Stillwater Minnesota downtown 7PM outdoors in Lowell Park along scenic St Croix River front. The event is free and open to the public along with VIP seating for a fee. Learn more at the event page here.

Being in the park, in addition to reserved seating, there is free and open seating (or standing) in and around Lowell Park, or, if you prefer, from your boat. For the hearing impaired, there will be ASL service during the event. Even if you are not an opera fan, these shows are a lot of fun as they have a great mix of classical and musical songs that they perform.

Stillwater Evening Hot Air Balloons

2023 Opera On The River Video Views

Past Opera on the River Events

On Sunday August 2, 2020, On Saturday evening August 10 2019 Operatunity  Theatre presented their Opera On The Virtual river event. The 2020 event was a social distanced production taking place near the St Croix River and downtown Stillwater as well as being live streamed on FaceBook and YouTube.

Pictures Over Stillwater was honored to be involved with the production and live stream of the event providing aerial video images of the St Croix River Valley, Downtown Stillwater and event areas as well as documenting behind the scenes of this social distanced event.

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

Watch for more images (still, video and 360 of the 2020 event to appear hear soon. Visit the Operatunity Theatre website and Facebook page to learn more about this event, St Croix Valley Opera and related information.

Views from Opera On The River Event

The 2020 event follows the 2019 inaugural downtown Stillwater Minnesota opera on the river free event.

st croix valley opera on the river stillwater minnesota pictures over stillwater drone aerial photography
Click on above image to view more Opera On The River Images

Downtown Stillwater St. Croix River Valley (few days before Opera event)

Despite the on and off rain throughout the day, the organizers, performers, volunteers as well as attendees braved the elements and proved that the show must and will go on.

The following image was taken during the soundcheck Saturday afternoon with some cast and crew on stage while Stillwater Minnesota native headliner Jack Swanson appeared at ease with the elements. When I saw this view during the soundcheck and the confidence of cast and crew, my thoughts were that rain or shine, this would be a great event.

The Opera On The River Show Must Go On

The following are some images of Opera On The River downtown Stillwater along St. Croix River during the performance after the rains passed (and a short delay to allow conditions to improve).

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Looking Forward to 2020 Opera On the River

Thank you to Opportunity Theatre event organizers, staff, volunteers, performers for allow Pictures Over Stillwater full access to capture these and other images of this inaugural event. Also thanks to all of the sponsors and attendees who braved the elements for this first of what will become an annual event. Hopefully the weather and conditions will look more like the following image of the St. Croix River valley and downtown Stillwater for the 2020 event.

Learn more about Opportunity Theatre and Opera On The River Event at where you can also sign up for their newsletter.

Pictures Over Stillwater Minnesota Twin Cities Images Available For Marketing Mailings

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our page, as well as our page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

Zephyr Theatre Stillwater Minnesota Ice Palace Maze Ice Maze

Ice Maze Video Night Drone Aerial View

Ice Maze Video Night Drone Aerial View

2022 Downtown Stillwater Lights Twinkle Event

2022 Zephyr Theatre Stillwater Ice Maze

Note that the 2023 Ice Maze has been moved to Eagan Minnesota at Viking Lakes, learn more here.

Something cool is in town, the Zephyr Theatre Stillwater Minnesota Ice Palace Maze. The new Ice Palace Maze is also believed to be the largest in the United States and indeed in Stillwater, Minnesota.

Find the Ice Palace Maze in the Zephyr Theatre Parking Lot, 601 Main Street North, downtown Stillwater, just a few blocks and in sight of the world snow sculpting championship #wssc event downtown Stillwater Minnesota.

Lowell Park WSSC World Snow Sculpting Championship Final day of sculpting Stillwater Minnesota
WSSC World Snow Sculpting Championship (Click to view more)

Stillwater World Snow Sculpting Championship WSSC

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night
Ice Maze Ice Palace Images (Click to view more)

View More Stock Images and Video (Click to view more)

Pictures Over Stillwater Online Store

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night

Pictures Over Stillwater 2022 Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Opening Night

The Ice Palace Maze is larger, new layout, more features, ice carvings, fun and much more. Contact Zephyr Theatre box office for tickets and learn more

Inaugural Season 2021

zephyr theatre ice palace ice maze downtown stillwater minnesota ice castle winterfest
Opening night downtown Stillwater Minnesota Ice Maze

zephyr theatre ice palace ice maze downtown stillwater minnesota ice castle winterfest
All lit up Stillwater Lights Downtown Ice Maze

zephyr theatre ice palace ice maze downtown stillwater minnesota ice castle winterfest
Wakey Wakey early morning opening day Stillwater Ice Maze

zephyr theatre ice palace ice maze downtown stillwater minnesota ice castle winterfestAerial Night View Ice Maze Stillwater Zephyr Theatre

zephyr theatre ice palace ice maze downtown stillwater minnesota ice castle winterfest
Blue Hour Cool Cold Stillwater Ice Maze

zephyr theatre ice palace ice maze downtown stillwater minnesota ice castle winterfest
Downtown Stillwater Ice Maze Construction

zephyr theatre ice palace ice maze downtown stillwater minnesota ice castle winterfest
Aerial View Ice Maze Ice Palace Stillwater

Construction and Aerial Video View Ice Maze January 18, 2021

How large is the Ice Palace Maze? It measures 114 feet by 72 feet, consisting of about 1,500 blocks of ice. Meanwhile, the Ice Palace Maze has a perimeter wall about 8 to 9 feet tall. As part of the Ice Palace Maze, there will also be a 36′ slide, among other features.

About the Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Maze Downtown Stillwater

For safety, limited to 100 visitors at a time. Restrooms are open, and as is the Zephyr Theatre Bar. Masks required when inside. Free parking is available adjacent to the Zephyr Theatre. Cost is free for kids under four and over 100 years old, ages 5 through 12 $10. For ages 13 through 100 cost is $15. Tickets can be bought in advance or walk-up, depending on availability.

While currently under construction, the Ice Palace Maze is scheduled to be completed by January 22, 2021. Ice Palace Maze visiting hours will be Tuesday through Friday, 5 PM to 10 PM, and 12 PM to 10 PM on Saturday and Sundays. The Ice Palace Maze will be open from January 22 to February 28, weather permitting.

Other Wintertime In Stillwater Updates

Similarly recent additions to downtown Stillwater Lights include the historic lift bridge being lit up. Other downtown Stillwater Minnesota winter updates include an ice skating hockey rink adjacent to the historic lift bridge. An overhead light show on the mall leading to the lift bridge and upcoming events.

Aerial Daytime and Night Stillwater Lights Fire & Ice Event

zephyr theatre ice palace ice maze downtown stillwater minnesota ice castle winterfest
Downtown Stillwater Minnesota Lift Bridge Winter Wonderland
zephyr theatre ice palace ice maze downtown stillwater minnesota ice castle winterfest
Ice Rink being created downtown Stillwater
zephyr theatre ice palace ice maze downtown stillwater minnesota ice castle winterfest
Winter wonderland winter in Stillwater Minnesota Stillwater Lights

In conclusion, learn more about the Ice Maze here

Stillwater Lights Light Up Stillwater Minnesota #homefortheholidays #wssc

Wrap Up and Where To Buy Images

Contact Zephyr Theatre via phone 651-342-1542 or email at and learn more about the Zephyr Theatre Ice Palace Ice Maze at

Visit and like us on also on Twitter @POStillwater and at .

Like the images on this page? Browse, shop and buy digital downloads (website, blog and zoom backgrounds), images for marketing mailing  as well as prints, wall art, metal prints and more here on our shopping page.


Crusin St Croix Car Show Downtown Stillwater

The following are various aerial photos from the Crusin on St. Croix Car Show downtown Stillwater during summer months. Learn more about Crusin on St. Croix Car show on their website here.

withrow classic car tractor show minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota drone aerial photography pictures over stillwater
Click On Above Image To View More From Previous Withrow Events

Above, Gallery of images from 2021 (13th Annual) Withrow Classic Car and Tractor show benefit event held Sunday September 26, 2021.

If you like cars, new and vintage classics, also check out these videos:

2018 Withrow Car Tractor Show

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our page, as well as our page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

2019 River Valley Charities Golf Event Troy Burne Hudson Wisconsin

2019 River Valley Charities Golf Event Troy Burne Hudson Wisconsin

The following are various aerial photos from the August 19, 2019 River Valley Charities golf event held at Troy Burne Golf Club south of Hudson Wisconsin. Learn more about the River Valley Charities  golf event at their website here and learn more about Troy Burne golf glub here.

Note the 2020 RVC Golf tournament will be held August 24, 2020 at Troy Burne, learn more and register here.

golf course golf event golf drone photography pictures over stillwater minnesota twin cities minneapolis st paul
Click on above image to view more Golf related images

Images and Video from 2019 Event

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our page, as well as our page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

The Outing Lodge At Pine Point Stillwater Minnesota

Recently I had the opportunity to visit The Outing Lodge At Pine Point Stillwater Minnesota located at 11661 Myeron Rd N, Stillwater MN 55082. Living nearby, having heard about, as well as driving around the area, I had not actually seen in person the outing lodge at pine point located northwest of Stillwater Minnesota. Given the opportunity to visit the outing lodge at pine point along with some nice winter weather, the following are some views of the area, buildings and grounds.

Adjacent to the gateway trail (PDF Map) (bicycle and pedestrian) in Stillwater Township, the outing lodge at pine point is also bordered by pine point park.

Just a few miles away to the east flows the St. Croix River, to the southeast Downtown Stillwater with its historic liftbridge, to the northeast Square Lake and Marine on St. Croix. Also just a few miles away to the northwest are Withrow and Hugo (home of the Withrow Tractor and Classic Car Show), and to the southeast Grant as well as adjacent gateway trail.

What surprised me about the outing lodge at pine point was the vastness of the property, number, and size of structures along with their history.

For those not familiar with the area, there is a lot of wide open spaces, active farms, and ranches with horses, lakes which add to the outing destination factor. There are also many trails on the grounds for walking in summer or snowshoe in the winter months, not to mention, adjacent gateway trail.

the outing lodge stillwater minnesota twin cities minneapolis st paul b&b pictures over stillwater drone aerial photography
Click on above to view more images of The Outing Lodge

The outing lodge at pine point is a Bed & Breakfast (B&B) with nice rooms, a large lobby great room, dining areas as well as plenty of room for events from weddings to seminars, meetings among others. In addition to being a B&B and hosting weddings as well as other events, the outing lodge at pine point also hosts summer and winter events including snowshoe among others.

Thanks to the folks at the outing lodge at pine point Stillwater Minnesota for the tour inside the facility in addition to being able to capture some images from above.

Learn more at The Outing Lodge at Pine Point website here, visit them at 11661 Myeron Rd N, Stillwater MN 55082, or call (651) 439-9747, tell them Greg from Pictures Over Stillwater sent you.

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

View additional videos and images in our Gallery page here.