Pictures Over Stillwater is involved with Community Education presenting UAV UAS Drone classes at various venues around the greater Minneapolis St Paul Twin Cities metro area as well as online. Recreational drone hobbyists will gain information on basic operations and a foundation for expanding to commercial operations. You will learn basic safety, rules of the road and air, registration, certification, types, when, how and where to fly (or avoid).
Also covered are basic tools, simulators, apps, cameras, commercial considerations, new and emerging regulations including hobby recreational FAA test (TRUST), insurance, practical tips, techniques, and trends. Weather permitting, an instructor-only demonstration flight may be held. Students ages 12-17 are welcome to register with an adult.
Click here or on the following to learn more as well as view links for registrations, times and locations.
Spring Drone School SAPS Beginner Class Demo Flight
Drones are used by recreational hobbyist, commercial, non-profit, government, and public safety agencies. If you or somebody you know have a drone, want one or need to learn more about them, this course is for you.
Anoka Hennepin Community Education Drone School Demo Flight
Pictures Over Stillwater is involved with Community Education presenting UAV UAS Drone classes at various venues around the greater Minneapolis St Paul Twin Cities metro area as well as online. This course is for those who want to learn more about drone based aerial photography and video (recreational and commercial). Topics covered include rules of the road for aerial photography and video, license and registration, where to fly (and not fly), flight planning and weather, autonomous and manual modes, equipment, hardware, software and other tools.
Also covered are drone and camera photo and video modes, settings, time lapse and hyper lapse, panoramic, automatic vs manual settings and much more. Additional topics include what type of drone and camera equipment are best as well as accessories, along with post processing tools. Students aged 12-17 may attend with an adult. Weather permitting a demonstration flight will be flown. Click here or on the following to view more information including registration, dates and locations.
Pictures Over Stillwater is involved with Community Education presenting UAV UAS Drone classes at various venues around the greater Minneapolis St Paul Twin Cities metro area as well as online. Recreational drone hobbyists will gain information on basic operations and a foundation for expanding to commercial operations. This course moves beyond the basics looking at drone decision making, flight planning, how to prepare for your FAA Part 107 (commercial) and TRUST (hobby recreational) among other certifications.
Also covered are basic tools, simulators, apps, cameras, commercial considerations, new and emerging regulations, insurance, practical tips, techniques, trends to be aware of. Weather permitting drone demonstration flights may be held. Students ages 12-17 are welcome to attend with an adult. Don’t be a dummy, learn to fly drones safely. Click here or on the following to learn more as well as view links for registrations, times and locations.
Early March Morning Lake Elmo Aero Airplane Ride Sightseeing
Collection of images (still and video) from recent Early March Morning Lake Elmo Aero Airplane Ride sightseeing trip.
Series of 360 interactive immersive videos from sightseeing flight.
Our sightseeing trip started at Lake Elmo Airport taking off on Runway 4 (one of if not the shortest paved runways in Minnesota) and cruising over east metro above Lake Elmo, Oakdale, Maplewood and on into Downtown St. Paul Airport (Holmand field) where we do a touch and go.
From there we head southeast out over Woodbury before turning east towards Afton and crossing the St. Croix River south of Hudson Wisconsin.
We follow the St. Croix River north passing over Hudson, North Hudson, St. Joe and Houlton turning southwest west of Somerset Wisconsin.
We then head south along the St. Croix river on the Minnesota side passing above Stillwater before wrapping up our morning flight back at Lake Elmo Airport.
Big thank you to Lake Elmo Aero ( and pilot Jon Adsit for a fantastic flight experience. You can get in touch with Lake Elmo Aero via and 651-777-1399 as well as via CTAF/Unicom: 122.8
2019 Summer Open House Lake Elmo Aero at Lake Elmo Airport
Check out some images from summer 2019 Lake Elmo Aero open house
Pictures Over Stillwater drone school are held at various education venues presenting UAV UAS Drone related topics. These safety and awareness education and outreach activities include introduction, basic, beyond the basics, as well as advanced topics such as aerial photography videography, among others topics.
Education and awareness sessions range from large adult community education, high school, individual custom training along with STEM programs around the greater Minneapolis St Paul Twin Cities metro area and online. Click here to learn more about Drone Education and upcoming events.
Pictures Over Stillwater is involved with Community Education presenting UAV UAS Drone classes at various venues around the greater Minneapolis St Paul Twin Cities metro area as well as online. Click on the following to learn more as well as links for registrations, times and locations.
Note that Minnesota in addition to FAA Part 107 certification requires an additional licenses from Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDoT) Aeronautics for commercial drone operators doing work for others. Pictures Over Stillwater is FAA Part 107 certified including Operating Over People (OOP ) and Operating Over Moving Vehicles (OOMV) waivers and various airspace authorizations as well as registered aircraft. In addition to meeting FAA requirements, Pictures Over Stillwater is also licensed by MNDoT for drone operations including aerial photography, videography and imaging for construction progress reporting, real estate, event coverage, and other commercial work activity in the state of Minnesota.
Pictures Over Stillwater Golf Course Country Club Images
The following are various Pictures Over Stillwater drone based aerial photography and video images from different Golf Course Country Club venues around the greater Minneapolis St. Paul twin cities metropolitan area.
Click on above image to view more Golf related images
Greater Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce 2020 Golf Event
River Valley Charities 2020 Troy Burne Hudson Golf Event
River Valley Charities 2020 New Richmond Pro-Amm Golf Event
Have an upcoming event at a Golf Course, Country Club, Marina, Association or other venue, or simply looking for images (still and video) of your facility?
Due to construction the 2023 #343run was moved from I94 near Afton Minnesota to across the river on highway 35 south of Hudson and north of River Falls Wisconsin. Attendees assembled on Monday evening 9/11/23 on the Tower and Coulee Road overpasses as the parade went south from Hudson towards River Falls before returning to the north. In addition to the various EMS, Fire, Rescue, Police, Sheriff, Highway Patrol and other first responders, an Air Force/National Guard C130 Cargo plane made two low “tactical” passes along the #343run route.
Pictures Over Stillwater Coverage of 2019 #343 9/11 Tribute
The following still and video images are from the 2019 #343 9/11 tribute event which has been held for several years. The event takes place on an overpass above Interstate 94 (I94) in eastern Minnesota (West Lakeland and Afton) near the Wisconsin (Hudson) border for 24 hours on 9/11.
This volunteer event has participants waving american flags as people head west during the morning rush hour towards twin cities Minneapolis St. Paul area along with others throughout the day. There is also a parade of first responders that starts to the east in Hudson Wisconsin crossing the St. Croix River passing under the overpass west bound then circling back over the bridge (Stagecoach road).
Mid-Afternoon view of Stagecoach Overpass looking to the north
A Black Hawk Helicopter does a fly by before the evening parade
First Responders Circle Back over I94 on Stagecoach Road
Westbound I94 Traffic entering Minnesota being Greeted
Looking East Towards Wisconsin Welcoming West Bound I94 Traffic
View of Stonebridge Overpass looking north shortly before parade
In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.
When in downtown Stillwater, visit our partner Smith + Trade Mercantile where you can buy Pictures Over Stillwater aerial photography postcards among other items.
Proud Member Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce
Drone Aerial Views Minneapolis St Paul Twin Cites Sport Stadiums Arenas and Venues
Various drone aerial views around Minneapolis St Paul twin cities metro area of sport stadiums, arenas and venues, from major league to high school to ad hoc motorcycle racing on a frozen minnesota lake.
Pony Stadium Stillwater (taken during Drones for Non-Dummies class)
Allianz Field St Paul Minnesota Allianz Field St Paul Minnesota US Bank Stadium Spring 2019 Allianz field St Paul Minnesota Downtown Minneapolis Skyline and US Bank Stadium
Snow Covered New Allianz Stadium Mid Winter late afternoon sunset view downtown Minneapolis US Bank Stadium Pony Stadium Stillwater Area Public High School Runners line up for start of Inaugural St Croix Crossing 5K in Wisconsin Inaugural St. Croix Crossing 5K and Half Marathon from Wisconsin to Minnesota Motorcycle Racing on Frozen Lake Martha Ice Motorcycle Racing Lake Martha Lindstrom MN Pony Stadium Stillwater Area Public High School
In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.
When in downtown Stillwater, visit our partner Smith + Trade Mercantile where you can buy Pictures Over Stillwater aerial photography postcards among other items.
Proud Member Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce