Floods Flooding

Upper Midwest Twin Cities Stillwater Floods Flooding

This page is a collection of upper Midwest, Western Wisconsin, Minnesota, Minneapolis, St Paul, Stillwater, Mississippi River, St Croix River Valley and other floods flooding content.

St Croix Falls Taylers Falls St Croix River

flood flooding minneapolis st paul twin cities western wisconsin stillwater hudson minnesota drone uas uav aerial photography
2023 St Croix River Stillwater Minnesota Flood (visit our gallery)

Spring 2023 St Croix River Flood Views

Spring 2023 St Croix River Flood Views

Related Content:
2019 Spring Flood Images and video
Winter Spring Summer Fall Weather Storms
Our stock photo image gallery including flood content
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Interact with us on Twitter @POStillwater
Check out our video collections on Vimeo and YouTube

Stock Images Video B Roll for Press Media News Producers

We have stock photo still images along with video B roll footage available for licensed use by Press Media News Producers Editors Writers. Our imagery has appeared in various online, on air, and print venues. Contact us at info at picturesoverstillwater.com to let us know what you need, or visit our gallery for self service shopping needs.

NOAA Weather Service St. Croix River Stillwater Forecast

Click here to view full and updated NOAA forecast

Downtown Stillwater Minnesota Opera On The River St Croix Riverfront

2024 Opera On The River

Returning for its 6th season 2024 Opera On The River July 27 Stillwater Minnesota downtown 7PM outdoors in Lowell Park along scenic St Croix River front. The event is free and open to the public along with VIP seating for a fee. Learn more at the event page here.

Being in the park, in addition to reserved seating, there is free and open seating (or standing) in and around Lowell Park, or, if you prefer, from your boat. For the hearing impaired, there will be ASL service during the event. Even if you are not an opera fan, these shows are a lot of fun as they have a great mix of classical and musical songs that they perform.

Stillwater Evening Hot Air Balloons

2023 Opera On The River Video Views

Past Opera on the River Events

On Sunday August 2, 2020, On Saturday evening August 10 2019 Operatunity  Theatre presented their Opera On The Virtual river event. The 2020 event was a social distanced production taking place near the St Croix River and downtown Stillwater as well as being live streamed on FaceBook and YouTube.

Pictures Over Stillwater was honored to be involved with the production and live stream of the event providing aerial video images of the St Croix River Valley, Downtown Stillwater and event areas as well as documenting behind the scenes of this social distanced event.

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

Watch for more images (still, video and 360 of the 2020 event to appear hear soon. Visit the Operatunity Theatre website and Facebook page to learn more about this event, St Croix Valley Opera and related information.

Views from Opera On The River Event

The 2020 event follows the 2019 inaugural downtown Stillwater Minnesota opera on the river free event.

st croix valley opera on the river stillwater minnesota pictures over stillwater drone aerial photography
Click on above image to view more Opera On The River Images

Downtown Stillwater St. Croix River Valley (few days before Opera event)

Despite the on and off rain throughout the day, the organizers, performers, volunteers as well as attendees braved the elements and proved that the show must and will go on.

The following image was taken during the soundcheck Saturday afternoon with some cast and crew on stage while Stillwater Minnesota native headliner Jack Swanson appeared at ease with the elements. When I saw this view during the soundcheck and the confidence of cast and crew, my thoughts were that rain or shine, this would be a great event.

The Opera On The River Show Must Go On

The following are some images of Opera On The River downtown Stillwater along St. Croix River during the performance after the rains passed (and a short delay to allow conditions to improve).

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

Looking Forward to 2020 Opera On the River

Thank you to Opportunity Theatre event organizers, staff, volunteers, performers for allow Pictures Over Stillwater full access to capture these and other images of this inaugural event. Also thanks to all of the sponsors and attendees who braved the elements for this first of what will become an annual event. Hopefully the weather and conditions will look more like the following image of the St. Croix River valley and downtown Stillwater for the 2020 event.

Learn more about Opportunity Theatre and Opera On The River Event at operatunitytheatre.org where you can also sign up for their newsletter.

Pictures Over Stillwater Minnesota Twin Cities Images Available For Marketing Mailings

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our Instagram.com/PicturesOverStillwater page, as well as our Facebook.com/PicturesOverStillwater page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

Early March Morning Lake Elmo Aero Airplane Ride Sightseeing

Early March Morning Lake Elmo Aero Airplane Ride Sightseeing

Collection of images (still and video) from recent Early March Morning Lake Elmo Aero Airplane Ride sightseeing trip.

Series of 360 interactive immersive videos from sightseeing flight.

Our sightseeing trip started at Lake Elmo Airport taking off on Runway 4 (one of if not the shortest paved runways in Minnesota) and cruising over east metro above Lake Elmo, Oakdale, Maplewood and on into Downtown St. Paul Airport (Holmand field) where we do a touch and go.

From there we head southeast out over Woodbury before turning east towards Afton and crossing the St. Croix River south of Hudson Wisconsin.

We follow the St. Croix River north passing over Hudson, North Hudson, St. Joe and Houlton turning southwest west of Somerset Wisconsin.

We then head south along the St. Croix river on the Minnesota side passing above Stillwater before wrapping up our morning flight back at Lake Elmo Airport.

Big thank you to Lake Elmo Aero (www.lakeelmoaero.com) and pilot Jon Adsit for a fantastic flight experience. You can get in touch with Lake Elmo Aero via info@lakeelmoaero.com and 651-777-1399 as well as via CTAF/Unicom: 122.8

2019 Summer Open House Lake Elmo Aero at Lake Elmo Airport

K21D Lake Elmo Airport June 14 2019 pictures over stillwater mn
Check out some images from summer 2019 Lake Elmo Aero open house

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our Instagram.com/PicturesOverStillwater page, as well as our Facebook.com/PicturesOverStillwater page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

Pictures Over Stillwater aerial photography video drone uas uav services

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

Pictures Over Stillwater 360 Views

Pictures Over Stillwater provides indoor, outdoor, ground, aerial and all around content creative services. The following are some 360 interactive views including still image and video. Our 360 panoramic imagery capture experience includes 360 cameras for ground and aerial (attachment to aircraft e.g. airplanes) along with Drone based for one off as well as recurring projects.


Some of our 360 experiences include indoor virtual tours (photo and video) for real estate (residential and commercial), engineering, site planning, construction progress reporting and 3d modeling, along with general marketing and event support among others. From relative low level (eye height) to under hundred feet, to hundreds of feet, to above 40+ story tall buildings, and higher using airplanes, from empty property lots to completed structures, we have experience with diverse projects.

drone aerial photography videography pictures over stillwater tiny planet
Tiny Planet Aerial View Stillwater MN

drone aerial photography videography pictures over stillwater tiny planet minnesota state capital st paul
Tiny Planet Aerial View MN State Capital St Paul

Spherical View Fall Colors Stillwater Minnesota

Interactive 360 View Center Field St Croix Prep Academy

Fall Colors Downtown Minneapolis Minnesota 360 View

360 Interactive Fast Video Tour St Croix Bike Loop

360 View Lowell Inn Washington Room Stillwater MN

360 View Grand Ball Room Stillwater MN

Interactive 360 Grand Pizza Downtown Stillwater

Interactive 360 Images Marine on St Croix

Interactive 360 Marine on St Croix (Low Level)

Interactive 360 Marine on St Croix (High Level)

Interactive 360 Pictures Over Stillwater

Following are a collection of drone aerial interactive 360 spherical images from around Stillwater showing different neighborhoods as well as downtown and surrounding areas. The interactive 360 aerial views allow you to rotate around, side to side, up and down, as well as zoom in and out. Check out some areas you might know well from a different vantage point perspective, as well as see some new areas in and around Stillwater Minnesota.

Stillwater Public Library 360 Demo

4th Street Entrance Stillwater Public Library

The following is a short Virtual Tour of the Stillwater Public Library.

360 images including still and video are great for virtual tours along with next generation virtual reality (VR) tours. Virtual tours are great way to showcase your property, facility, factory, property, showroom among other views with customers, partners, prospects among others enabling an interactive experience for the viewers.

2020 St Croix Valley Fall Colors 360 Views

Not all platforms are able to display 360 content (video or still images).  An alternative method to show 360 content includes formats such as so called tiny planet views. The following are some tiny planet views based on 360 camera images.

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

The following is a 360 Interactive video view from 2020 Withrow Area Classic Car Show Wishes and More Wish Granting. Play the video and rotate around to see different angles and views.

The following is outward orbit 360 (horizontal) view from above Oak Park Heights Minnesota looking at the St Croix River Valley. To the east is the St Croix River and Wisconsin, to the west Minneapolis.

360 Interactive Video Virtual Tour Candyland Stillwater

Here is an example of using a 360 camera indoors for a virtual tour as we stop in for a quick visit at Candy Land in downtown Stillwater.

Early March Morning Lake Elmo Aero Airplane Ride Sightseeing

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Pictures Over Stillwater Minnesota St Croix River Valley Twin Cities Videos

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our Instagram.com/PicturesOverStillwater page, as well as our Facebook.com/PicturesOverStillwater page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

Pictures Over Stillwater aerial photography video drone uas uav services

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

Golf Course Country Club Aerial Photography Video Views

Pictures Over Stillwater Golf Course Country Club Images

The following are various Pictures Over Stillwater drone based aerial  photography and video images from  different Golf Course Country Club venues around the greater Minneapolis St. Paul twin cities metropolitan area.

golf course golf event golf drone photography pictures over stillwater minnesota twin cities minneapolis st paul
Click on above image to view more Golf related images

Greater Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce 2020 Golf Event

River Valley Charities 2020 Troy Burne Hudson Golf Event

River Valley Charities 2020 New Richmond Pro-Amm Golf Event

Have an upcoming event at a Golf Course, Country Club, Marina, Association or other venue, or simply looking for images (still and video) of your facility?

Contact us via phone or email and we can discuss how we can be of assistance to you and or your event.


2019 River Valley Charities Golf Event Troy Burne Hudson Wisconsin

Greater Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce Events


pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale
Applewood Hills near Stillwater Minnesota

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our Instagram.com/PicturesOverStillwater page, as well as our Facebook.com/PicturesOverStillwater page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

Minnesota Wisconsin 9/11 #343run remembrance

2024 9/11 #343run Afton MN #neverforget

Stagecoach Overpass I94 Afton Minnesota

2024 9/11 #343run images pictures over stillwater minnesota twin cities metro western wisconsin aerial drone photography services
Click on above image to view more.

2023 9/11 #343run Hudson WI #neverforget

Due to construction the 2023 #343run was moved from I94 near Afton Minnesota to across the river on highway 35 south of Hudson and north of River Falls Wisconsin. Attendees assembled on Monday evening 9/11/23 on the Tower and Coulee Road overpasses as the parade went south from Hudson towards River Falls before returning to the north. In addition to the various EMS, Fire, Rescue, Police, Sheriff, Highway Patrol and other first responders, an Air Force/National Guard C130 Cargo plane made two low “tactical” passes along the #343run route.

Pictures Over Stillwater Coverage of 2019 #343 9/11 Tribute

The following still and video images are from the 2019 #343 9/11 tribute event which has been held for several years. The event takes place on an overpass above Interstate 94 (I94) in eastern Minnesota (West Lakeland and Afton) near the Wisconsin (Hudson) border for 24 hours on 9/11.


This volunteer event has participants waving american flags as people head west during the morning rush hour towards twin cities Minneapolis St. Paul area along with others throughout the day. There is also a parade of first responders that starts to the east in Hudson Wisconsin crossing the St. Croix River passing under the overpass west bound then circling back over the bridge (Stagecoach road).

Pictures Over Stillwater 2019 #343run 9/11 tribute above I94 near Minnesota Wisconsin Border
Mid-Afternoon view of Stagecoach Overpass looking to the north

Pictures Over Stillwater 2019 #343run 9/11 tribute above I94 near Minnesota Wisconsin Border
A Black Hawk Helicopter does a fly by before the evening parade

Pictures Over Stillwater 2019 #343run 9/11 tribute above I94 near Minnesota Wisconsin Border
First Responders Circle Back over I94 on Stagecoach Road

Pictures Over Stillwater 2019 #343run 9/11 tribute above I94 near Minnesota Wisconsin Border
Westbound I94 Traffic entering Minnesota being Greeted

Pictures Over Stillwater 2019 #343run 9/11 tribute above I94 near Minnesota Wisconsin Border
Looking East Towards Wisconsin Welcoming West Bound I94 Traffic

Pictures Over Stillwater 2019 #343run 9/11 tribute above I94 near Minnesota Wisconsin Border
View of Stonebridge Overpass looking north shortly before parade

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our Instagram.com/PicturesOverStillwater page, as well as our Facebook.com/PicturesOverStillwater page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

Pictures Over Stillwater aerial photography video drone uas uav services

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

When in downtown Stillwater, visit our partner Smith + Trade Mercantile where you can buy Pictures Over Stillwater aerial photography postcards among other items.

Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce Building Bridges Community
Proud Member Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce

Crusin St Croix Car Show Downtown Stillwater

The following are various aerial photos from the Crusin on St. Croix Car Show downtown Stillwater during summer months. Learn more about Crusin on St. Croix Car show on their website here.

withrow classic car tractor show minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota drone aerial photography pictures over stillwater
Click On Above Image To View More From Previous Withrow Events

Above, Gallery of images from 2021 (13th Annual) Withrow Classic Car and Tractor show benefit event held Sunday September 26, 2021.

If you like cars, new and vintage classics, also check out these videos:

2018 Withrow Car Tractor Show

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our Instagram.com/PicturesOverStillwater page, as well as our Facebook.com/PicturesOverStillwater page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

2019 River Valley Charities Golf Event Troy Burne Hudson Wisconsin

2019 River Valley Charities Golf Event Troy Burne Hudson Wisconsin

The following are various aerial photos from the August 19, 2019 River Valley Charities golf event held at Troy Burne Golf Club south of Hudson Wisconsin. Learn more about the River Valley Charities  golf event at their website here and learn more about Troy Burne golf glub here.

Note the 2020 RVC Golf tournament will be held August 24, 2020 at Troy Burne, learn more and register here.

golf course golf event golf drone photography pictures over stillwater minnesota twin cities minneapolis st paul
Click on above image to view more Golf related images

Images and Video from 2019 Event


Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our Instagram.com/PicturesOverStillwater page, as well as our Facebook.com/PicturesOverStillwater page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

pictures over stillwater minneapolis st paul twin cities minnesota wisconsin drone services aerial photography stock images prints download for sale

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Stillwater St Croix Valley Visit

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) traveling scale model of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial visited the St. Croix River valley spending a few days in Stillwater.

The traveling wall arrived in Stillwater on July 23, 2019 at the Old Athletic Fields with an escort of EMS, Fire, Police, Sheriff, State Patrol, veterans and other area organizations. The escort went from Lakeland and Afton up the valley through Bayport, Oak Park Heights (see the video and images below). day Stillwater St Croix Valley Visit. Learn more about the VVMF and The Wall That Heals at their site vvmf.org

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Stillwater St Croix Valley Visit

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Stillwater St Croix Valley Visit

viet nam veterans memorial traveling wall that heals stillwater mn twin cities minnesota st croix valley drone aerial photography
Click on above image to view more photos of the traveling Memorial

Wrap Up and Where to Learn More

Visit our Gallery page to view additional related content (still images and video). Visit and like (thanks in advance) our Instagram.com/PicturesOverStillwater page, as well as our Facebook.com/PicturesOverStillwater page (includes interactive 360 panoramic views).

buy prints digital downloads wall art

Browse, shop and buy print, digital downloads, wall art, and other items by clicking here to access our online SmugMug store.

In addition to our SmugMug online store, we also have a FineArtAmerica site where you can shop, buy prints, puzzles, wall art and other items.