The following are common drone questions education safety topics for hobby recreational and commercial part 107 operators.
Common Drone Questions
Q: Why do you need to learn to fly a drone as they are automated?
A: Learn about the National Air Space (NAS) and where you can fly as well as other tips for flying drones safely. Otoh, you still need to learn how to drive a car, get a license even with self driving cars, or at least for now ;).
Q: Do classes include a live demonstration flight?
A: Demonstration flights are weather and other condition dependent.
Q: Can students bring their drone to the classes?
A: Yes.
Q: Where have you taught classes in the past?
A: Anoka/Hennepin Community Education, Eden Prairie High School, Eden Prairie Central Middle School, Minneapolis Public Schools Community Education, North Central University STEM, Stillwater Area Public Schools Community Education, and Stillwater Public Library among others.
Q: How long have you been flying drones?
A: Over 10 years for singles and quads for about eight years.
Q: How long have you been commercial licensed drone operator?
A: Since May 2018
Q: How long have you been waivered to fly at night commercially?
A: I received my 107.29 (daylight waiver) back in December 2018 which was valid until April 21, 2021 when daylight waivers were sunset (e.g. phased out). As of April 21, 2021 for those who have either taken the new initial, or recurrent part 107 test, you are now authorized to fly at night without a waiver (e.g. daylight and night waivers no longer exist).
Q: Do you have any other waivers?
A: Yes, 107.39 (Operating Over People e.g. OOP) and 107.145 (Operating Over Moving Vehicles e.g. OOMV)
Q: How hard is it to get certified?
A: Depends on how well you can learn (or memorize). Getting your FAA TRUST (The Recreational UAS Safety Test) certificate is relatively easy and quick, its free from various organizations such as AMA here. The next step takes more time which is getting your part 107.
Additional Drone Questions and Answers
Q: How many flights have you flown?
A: Many thousands including indoors and outdoors.
Q: How many hours in the air do you have flying?
A: Over 600 hours air time.
Q: How many miles total have you flown drones?
A: Spanning thousands of flights several thousand miles flown.
Q: If I am not going to fly drones for commercial, why get a part 107?
A: Additional experience, you also get access to additional airspace and privileges by being a part 107. Keep in mind that part 107 is often thought of as being commercial license, when in reality, its a category or type of certification that allows you to do more, one of those things being commercial activity.
Q: How much money can you make flying drones?
A: Like many things it depends, keep in mind your costs of equipment, spare batteries, apps, licenses, registration, insurance among other costs that will impact what your earnings will be.
Q: Have you ever flown FPV, what do you think about them?
A: Yes , check out our FPV experiences page here. FPV drones are great for those who like the FPV gaming experience, including racing, general recreation, as well as for action cinematography videography indoors as well as outdoors. Keep in mind if you are going to fly FPV outdoors you will need to have a Visual Observer (VO) standing next to you watching the aircraft (drone).
Q: Whats different from flying indoors vs outside?
A: Besides obstacles, biggest difference is you may have poor to no GPS coverage that can impact automated flight modes, in other words, you want to practice your heads up and stick flying skills (or learn to fly FPV).
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